NGO Monitor

New Israel report exposes role of NGO Monitor in defaming rights activists

MEMO | October 1, 2018 A new Israeli report has accused right-wing pressure group NGO Monitor of “spearheading the shrinking of space for Israeli and Palestinian human rights NGOs”. The “Shrinking Space” report – “NGO Monitor: Defaming human rights organisations that criticize the Israeli occupation” – is the work of a collective of Israeli ex-diplomats, […]

How Israel Silences Palestine in EU Circles

By Issam Aruri | IMEMC | July 18, 2018 The Israeli propaganda machine works internationally to undermine the role of Palestinian NGOs which disclose Israeli violations of international law, and maintain the well-being of Palestinian people. Imagine the following: a toxic op-ed is published that defames your organisation. You contact the website on which it […]

Israeli MKs, NGO Monitor Invent False Anti-Semitic Claims Against BDS

By Richard Silverstein | Tikun Olam | August 16, 2016 Israeli and American Jewish media have become willing facilitators of yet another fraud perpetrated by right-wing MKs and their NGO counterparts. The Knesset foreign affairs committee began the fraud by titling the hearing, “Singling Out Jewish Students by BDS on U.S. Campuses.” MK Anat Berko, […]