

This is how it is possible in what is often regarded a free and democratic state, the national government commits itself to murder and mayhem, using its people’s resources without informing them and without their consent, all the while vigorously lying to them. Can you really have democracy that way?


Ukrainian crisis and history of false flags masterminded by US that gone terribly wrong

 What really happened in the Trade Unions House in Odessa on May 2? The new authorities in Kiev claim that a clash between anti- and pro-Russians degenerated and 38 people were killed in a fire. But the available photos and footage tell a different story.
Witnesses say that killers used some kind of gas. Probably that’s the reason why they didn’t struggle. And they say there were over 100 dead bodies. Those were hidden in the basement and taken out later.We will never know how many people lost their life that day.

“The Russians are coming … again … and they’re still ten feet tall!”

 President Obama recently declared: “The strong condemnation that it’s received from around the world indicates the degree to which Russia is on the wrong side of history on this.” Marvelous … coming from the man who partners with jihadists and Nazis and has waged war against seven nations


SYRIA: “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently”

Raqqa Christians forced to pay a special tax to the Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant, and are strictly forbidden to wear or exhibited crosses in any way.  Christians are forbidden to repair or maintain war-damaged churches. Christians are not allowed to recite any prayer in the presence of Muslims, and are subject to conservative dress codes as imposed by ISIL


The Kiev Putsch: Rebel Workers Take Power in the East

The Kiev Putsch: The struggle in the Ukraine is not between the US and Russia, it is between a NATO-imposed junta composed of neo-liberal oligarchs and fascists on one side and the industrial workers and their local militias and democratic councils on the other.  The former defends and obeys the IMF and Washington; the latter relies on the productive capacity of local industry and rules by responding to the majority. What is clear is that the power grab in Kiev will not result in a ‘knife pointed at the heartland of Russia’