
The Menace of Israeli Warplanes

 The Menace of Israeli Warplanes
By Brenda Heard
As we chase the latest headlines and grow dizzy from the daily crises of the Middle East, sometimes we overlook the persistent problems.  Perhaps the element of continuance makes them frustrating, perhaps just boring.  But to ignore the drip-drop of Israeli belligerence toward Lebanon is to shrug off the impunity by which it persists.

Syrian Christians feel betrayed by west [VIDEO]

Anger in Damascus Funerals Held for Christian Victims of Violence in Village of Maaloula

Hundreds of Christians who have fled the fighting in the ancient Syrian town of Maaloula have gathered in Damascus for the funeral of three of their neighbors.   Syrian Christians feel betrayed by the west, and are furious because of the west’s support for the Syrian opposition which is mainly dominated by foreign mercenaries linked to Al-Qaeda..

Exclusive Interview with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif

Exclusive Interview with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
Veterans News Now Editor’s Note : Consider the contrast in the mellow, intelligent and measured statements by Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, and the pompous, boisterous, condescending, belligerent (and hollow) rhetoric by United States Secretary of State John Kerry!!

No More War for Israel? The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla

No More War for Israel?   The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla

The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East.  Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria.

President al-Assad’s speech to Rossiya 24 TV channel

President al-Assad’s speech to Rossiya 24 TV channel

Damascus, (SANA), September 13, 2013 – President Bashar al-Assad gave a speech to Rossiya 24 TV channel. Following is the full text of the speech.
Interviewer: Why did Syria agree to the Russian initiative which proposes handing over its chemical weapons to the international community? Why so rapidly?