
On Reading Morani Kornberg-W​eiss’ “Dear Darwish”

Vacy Vlazna
Dear Morani


“We who are born here on this divine land, we who are dedicated to the message of peace and freedom and the defense of human values, and of the strength of the olive tree…we declare our presence as a wound crying in the depths of time and space in spite of the tempests which try to rend our roots from the very earth to which we gave our name.” Mahmoud Darwish at the 50th anniversary of the Nakba*

McCain Explodes at Syrian Christians Who Describe Atrocities Committed By Rebels He Wants to Arm

By Duane Lester
 Hell-bent on arming opposition forces in Syria—despite strong evidence that they’re run by Islamic terrorists—John McCain displayed behavior unbecoming of a United States Senator during a recent meeting with Syrian Christian leaders touring Capitol Hill.

Jewish Greatest Genocidal Criminals – Part 1

Part I
By Dr. Elias Akleh
Since the beginning of human history we have witnessed so many genocidal murderers; kings, presidents, military leaders and political clergy, who called for, advocated and perpetrated genocidal crimes against whole nations. A thorough study of those criminals shows clearly that the worst genocidal murderers throughout history were mostly Jews.

Israeli occupation raid and evict Palestinians from Ein Hijleh

Press Release
Friday 7, February 2014
 Hundreds of Israeli forces have raided Ein Hijleh village in the Jordan Valley and evicted all its residents violently around 1:30 am and declared the village a closed military zone.  And it is estimated that between 200-250 Palestinians were in the village at the time of eviction.