
Israel Is No Ally But Is It Even A Friend?

[This is an edited version of a speech given by me at the National Summit to Reassess the Israel-US Special Relationship, which took place at the National Press Center in Washington on March 7th. The all day event included speakers Stephen Walt, Justin Raimondo, Paul Pillar, Jeff Blankfort, Alan Brownfeld, Philip Weiss, Ray McGovern and Scott McConnell. It was broadcast live by C-Span and is still available on their site.]
by Philip Giraldi

Syrian Catholic Archbishop: Western Leaders are Screwing all Syrians by Supporting Terrorists [VIDEO]

This is an excerpt from an interview with the Archbishop of Hassakeh-Nisibi for the Syriac Catholics, Jacques Behnan Hindo, where he expresses his anger at Western foreign policy that has been actively backing hardline Wahhabi terrorists to topple the Syrian government while causing all Syrians to suffer as a result.
Source KTO

Resisters of Sykes-Picot Land Grab Perform Key Fighting Roles in Syria

North of Latakia, Syria
This observer is advised that every school kid here in Syria learns at an early age about the various colonial land grabs that have lopped off key parts of their ancient country and they receive instruction about their personal national duty to recover this sacred territory. This applies equally to still occupy Palestine, or at least it did before the 2011 uprising which has seen some Syrian government resentment over some Palestinian participation with rebel groups trying to topple their government.