Newsbud Members Exclusive Videos

Newsbud Members Exclusive- Has the American Dream Become the American Nightmare?

For too long now, the American people have allowed themselves to be persuaded that the government’s job is to take care of us. You want to be insulated from all things that might cause offense? In exchange, the government’s thought police will use hate crime laws to criminalize speech, thought and actions that may be politically incorrect. You want a guarantee of safety?

America in Korea: Blood, Bombs & Blunders

Introducing a new feature for the Newsbud Community- A special segment titled Newsbud’s Asia Brief with Peter Lee. Peter Lee, who is considered one of the world’s top experts on Asia, provides in-depth coverage, vital context and background on important Asian issues. This week: America in Korea: Blood, Bombs, and Blunders.  The forgotten history of America's sixty-five-year war with North Korea.
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The Hidden Power Behind Fake News and the 2016 Election

In this community member exclusive edition of Mind Hack, Jeff DeRiso continues to investigate the hidden forces behind fake news, the 2016 presidential election, and Brexit.  What are Information Operations and how do they affect public perception?  Also discussed are tactics that use social science and data analysis to engineer a profitable outcome for corporate interests.  In a time where early adopters and disrupters dominate the marketplace and VR is the next big thing, should we take the time to pause and reflect before we become immersed in someone else’s version of “the futu

Newsbud Community Exclusive-“The Pentagon’s New Rules for Killing Africans”

On this Newsbud Community Members Exclusive Edition Kurt Nimmo looks at the rush to move into Africa and exploit its abundance of natural resources. President Trump has opened a new front on the continent and has authorized without congressional approval additional military operations in Somalia against al-Shabaab. Prior to this, AFRICOM, the United States African Command, US Special Forces readied for deployment to fight the terror group Boko Haram.

NATO Color Revolution against Russia

In the twenty-sixth edition of Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from four Russian newspapers: Kommersant, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Izvestia and Komsomolskaya Pravda. He discusses the key actors and agendas behind the recent anti-government protests in Russia, the most dangerous deterioration of the Russian-Ukrainian relations since 2014, the U.S.

One Man Fights the Dirtiest Bank in the World

In this Newsbud Community Members Exclusive episode Peter Lee presents whistleblower Nicholas Wilson who takes on the infamous bank HSBC, the British government, and the British media to expose hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud. At Newsbud we are determined to give legitimate whistleblowers a voice and a platform to get the truth out. And in this case, Nicholas Wilson needs your help.
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