News & Analysis
Australia’s UN vote on Palestine does a disservice to all sides, including Israelis
by Hon. Bob Carr
Former Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Guardian, UK
More Australians winced than applauded when they learned of their country’s very last vote at the end of its two year term on the security council.
There are more doubts and questions in the Charlie Hebdo affair than there will ever be answers. In part this is because the French security forces silenced witnesses, killing three assumed perpetrators in a display which seems to say that Dirty Harry movies are now part of French training programs.
Netanyahu defies French pleas to push Zionist agenda
Image: World leaders attend a mass rally in Paris following the recent attacks [Getty]
Israeli prime minister Netanyahu was asked to avoid Sunday’s march in Paris, out of a fear he would use the occasion to exploit divisions in French society
Taking the mickey: war crimes suspects led Paris anti-terror march
Images: Courtesy Veterans News Now
They should have been arrested as soon as they landed in Paris, clapped in irons and dragged to The Hague
Watch your language! (even when speaking the undeniable truth)
Calls for BBC’s Tim Willcox to resign over above comment (Images: courtesy Veterans News Now)
Tim Willcox: “Many critics, though, of Israel’s policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well.”
Charlie Hebdo Massacre: Another Staged Event to Incite War and Destroy Freedom?
In Hollande’s Orwellian France, “free speech” is reserved only for those who defame Islam, whereas critics of Zionism and Jewish exceptionalism are first stigmatized and then criminalized – a tribute to the real power behind the throne of that once-free country.
Who ordered the attack against Charlie Hebdo?
Image Credit: (Getty)
While many French react to the attack against Charlie Hebdo denouncing Islam and demonstrating in the streets, Thierry Meyssan points out that the jihadist interpretation is impossible. While it would be tempting for him to see it as an Al Qaeda or Daesh operation, he envisages another, much more dangerous hypothesis.
by Thierry Meyssan
This report, France 24 edited the video so that we do not see the attackers execute a fallen police officer.
Israel’s March 2015 Elections – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson
Regardless of the outcome of the March elections, Israel’s habitual violence and its ongoing violation of international laws and the standards of human rights will not change.
by Dr. Lawrence Davidson
Why after the Paris massacre Je Suis NOT Charlie Hebdo
Image: Joe Sacco: Why Je Suis NOT Charlie Hebdo (Courtesy Stop the War coalition)
There is a fine line between freedom of expression and incitement to religious, racial or cultural hatred, but Charlie Hebdo has strayed some way over the wrong side of that divide.
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