Trolling Russia – by Israel Shamir
If the initiators expected Russians to be mad at Putin, they miscalculated. The Russian public is angry with the American organizers of the economical warfare, not with its own government.
If the initiators expected Russians to be mad at Putin, they miscalculated. The Russian public is angry with the American organizers of the economical warfare, not with its own government.
Israel detained 1,266 Palestinian children in 2014 (Image: courtesy Veterans News Now)
Image: Syrian refugees seeking safety in Lebanon from their country's civil war (Photo courtesy of Franklin Lamb)
In fewer than 48 hours Syria could achieve relief for her endangered citizens seeking lifesaving refuge in Lebanon
Image: Dr. Bashar al-Ja’afari, Ambassador of the Permanent Representative Mission of Syria to the UN in New York.
During his May 2014 visit to the Holy Land, Christianity’s top man was (presumably) prevented from bearing witness to the human suffering in Gaza. Since then Israel has launched yet another murderous assault slaughtering civilians, including children, on a massive scale and afterwards obstructing humanitarian aid and re-construction. Is it time for the Pope and other religious leaders to mobilise and used their clout?
Mustapha noted in the interview that in Western countries “the full force of the law” is brought down upon critics of Zionism, whereas anti-Islamic neocon zealots are given a platform on mainstream media to spout lies and deceptions intended to demonize Muslims and Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq, Iran, Syria and Libya.
Image: Netanyahu, Hollande and Valls, after he was manhandled by Shin Bet goons
Image: French Muslims have been complaining of restrictions on performing their religious practices and discrimination.
Catholic Bishops From Around The World Visit Gaza: “Terrible Destruction, Shocking Scandal”: Israeli Settlements “Illegal Under International Law.. Simply Unjust”…
“Political leaders must defend the human dignity of the people in Gaza,” Bishops Say
(Middle East Monitor) – Longtime CNN International anchor Jim Clancy left the network after being involved in a Twitter feud with what he called the “Hasbara team,” referring to public relations efforts by Israel supporters on social media.