News & Analysis


The CIA now is so firmly entrenched and so immensely well financed – much of it off the books, including everything from secret budget items to peddling drugs and weapons – that it is all but impossible for a president to oppose it the way Kennedy did.

Some rarely discussed truths shaping contemporary American democracy

Senator who spearheaded letter to Iran got $1 million from Kristol’s ‘Emergency C’tee for Israel’

Image: Senator Tom Cotton biggest campaign contributions came from far outside his home state of Arkansas. That doesn’t include the nearly one-million-dollar contribution in supportive political advertising made by Bill Kristol’s Emergency Committee for Israel in the closing days of Cotton’s Senate campaign. (Courtesy LobeLog foreign policy)

Israel threatens Press TV Syria reporter over Golan photos

On Thursday, Press TV crew stationed in Syria near Israeli occupied Golan Heights released photos of Israeli soldiers speaking to Nusra Front militants. Our correspondent in the area Hamad Awidat now says he’s been contacted and threatened by the Israeli army. He earlier spoke to Press TV’s Waqar Rizvi. 

Photos prove cooperation between Israel and al-Nusra Front

Photo: The undated photo obtained by Press TV shows Israeli soldiers speaking face-to-face with foreign-backed militants near the Israeli occupied Golan heights in Syria
Press TV has obtained photos showing al-Qaeda-linked militants next to Israeli soldiers in the occupied Golan Heights.
New photos from the Golan Heights further prove Tel Aviv’s support for al-Qaeda-linked militants, especially al-Nusra Front, that have been wreaking havoc in Syria.

Israel’s Lieberman calls for beheading of Arab Israelis

The Israeli foreign minister has called for the beheading of all Arabs living in the occupied territories, only because of their opposition to the policies of the Tel Aviv regime.

(PRESS TV) - Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday that all Arabs who reside in occupied Palestine and oppose Israel for its discriminatory policies against the Palestinians should be decapitated.

Netanyahu: He Came, He Saw, He Conquered …. The Power of Israel over the United States

 No other visiting Prime Minister or President will be received with so much media attention and political fanfare as Netanyahu because none possess the formidable, organized, well-financed and disciplined political apparatus which Israel possess.  This is an apparatus which defends and promotes US wars on behalf of Israel, Israel’s war crimes, land seizures and torture of Palestinians. 


International Women’s Day: Palestinian Female Prisoners and the Struggle for a Free Palestine

Israeli soldiers escort blindfolded Palestinian women to the Kissufim Israeli army base,after they were detained during a military operation in the Gaza Strip, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008.(AP Photo/Yehuda Lahiani)

The Palestinian society is exposed daily to Israeli occupation repressive measures, including the kidnapping and detention of more than 800,000 Palestinians since 1967, including over 15,000 women.


Nearly 100 jailed in France for ‘defending terrorism’ and other speech crimes

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls speak to the press in Paris on January 9, 2015 (Photo credit: Bertrand Guay/AFP
Former French foreign minister, Roland Dumas, confirmed what many suspect is a Zionist-controlled regime in Paris. Dumas told a French television channel that France’s prime minister Manuel Valls is “under Jewish influence.”

by Brandon Martinez