News & Analysis

Fear mongering, the ISIS gambit and Zionist recruitment


Evidently, in Harper’s pro-Zionist fantasy world ‘terrorist’ is a smear word applied exclusively to the opponents of Israeli imperialism, whereas a state birthed through ethnic cleansing and maintained by way of bribery, blackmail, and state-sponsored mass murder is praised to the heavens merely for allowing its privileged Jewish citizens and disenfranchised Arab subjects to vote for whichever hawkish Zionist politician will continue the policies of terror in the holy land.



And it is not the first time he has done this, only the first time where we know the names and faces of his victims. We only know the names and faces here because they were an American and an Italian. Our feeble and utterly corrupt press never lifts a finger to investigate who the thousands of others have been.

Hints of the dark place he is taking us
John Chuckman

UK election: What the parties say about Palestine

The parties are so busy dancing to the hardline Zionist tune that they fail to acknowledge the original Jewish wish for there to be no Jewish state at all. They’re all pressing for a two-state arrangement arrived at by endless, futile and utterly discredited negotiation. They claim to be champions of international law but are not prepared to let the law settle it.

100-year betrayal of the Holy Land set to continue

We Exist (Palestinians) – Johnny Punish

GAZA MASSACRE 2014 inspired this dark rock tune about a murdered father speaking to his daughter about her future. Dark yes! But also hoping for a better day in a future where we coexist as brothers, We Exist will make you think. It will make you hurt, get angry and move you to be fired up about changing this world for all of us because we belong no matter what they say!


Islamophobia on Wheels – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

When a bigoted extremist like Pamela Geller places misleading and hate-promoting propaganda on buses, the Zionist establishment has nothing critical to say. They treat it as if it is all very proper and upheld by “free speech.” However, when supporters of the Palestinian cause put up billboards picturing a series of maps that show the absorption of Arab Palestine by Zionist settlers between 1948 and today, pious rabbis and Zionist lobbysts protest and call it anti-Semitic. Hypocrisy is the name of the game. 


Breakaway SNP strikes fear into Westminster parties but notions of independence are flawed

Image: Nicola Sturgeon (Courtesy


The SNP (Scottish National Party), under feisty new leader Nicola Sturgeon, is scaring the daylights out of Labour and Conservatives with the prospect of a strong squad of MPs marching south headed by fearsome former leader and political bruiser Alex Salmond.



Video: Bringing the Holy Fire of Easter through a military checkpoint

The Holy Fire ceremony at Easter is observed every year in Jerusalem, a place holy to the three major monotheistic faiths. But Palestinian Muslims and Christians alike are prevented from freely practicing their long-held traditions there as Israel relentlessly erases their heritage from the city.