News & Analysis

Third Intifada Or Zionist Jihad: Israel Escalates Tensions With Execution Style Force

Call it a religious crusade, a Jewish jihad or holy war. What’s clear is that violence is escalating and Netanyahu has no strategy for addressing Palestinian grievances short of more guns, more troops, more firepower and more blood (both Israeli and Palestinian).

by Richard Silverstein

Yes, Bibi, get with the programme

by Stuart Littlewood
….Which, in case you’ve forgotten, is to remove your gunslingers and squatters from the West Bank and East Jerusalem (including the Old City), lift the illegal blockade of Gaza, ensure free movement of goods and people between the Palestinian territories, end interference with the Palestinians’ right to trade with and travel to the outside world, return to them the resources Israel has stolen and allow those refugees who wish to return to do so.

Israel/Palestine: A reality check

Only one possible option for a peaceful resolution of the Israel/Palestine conflict – ONE TRULY DEMOCRATIC STATE WITH EQUAL RIGHTS OF EVERY KIND FOR ALL.

By Alan Hart
There is one thing above all others that must happen if there is ever to be a peaceful resolution of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel on the basis of justice for the Palestinians and security for all.
What is the one thing?