News & Analysis

CONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Attack

If the people of France want to strike hard at those responsible for repeated terrorist attacks within their borders, they can start with those who knew of the attacks and did nothing to stop them, who are also, coincidentally, the same people who helped give rise to ISIS and help perpetuate it to this very day.

By Tony Cartalucci

Grand Mufti of Syria: “Terrorism is a new ideological trend, has nothing to do with Islam”

It’s the leaders of the Gulf countries, Turkey and the America that should stand trial, because they supplied the arms. The weapons that killed my son came from them. To me, all the people who were killed at their hands are like my son. Every Syrian that died in this war is my son……….Grand Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun

The Middle East conflict – war in Syria and Iraq – has already spilled over.
No one is safe from the terrorist attacks, neither East, nor West.

The Jewish History In Palestine !!

What are the Jews doing here in Palestine? They have never been natives of Palestine but occupiers !!!
The Canaanites were the [indigenous] inhabitants of Canaan, the older native name of Palestine, and the jews were just invaders !
I tell you history according to the jewish Torah, the Old Testament, the Talmud and the oral jewish history Hamishna:

Beware: The Pogrom Is Coming !!

Over the past year I have faced a tremendous pressure from “pro-Palestinian activists” not to write the truth about what is going on here … they wanted me to write of “pace”, “love”, “coexistence” and about the “lovely” zionist occupiers and to draw a shining image for our death, of our blood … If you cant see the reality I write, you are blind, you are zionist !!
Sami, the bedouin