News & Analysis


Cameron functions as a noisy little lap dog yapping and snapping at anyone ignoring his master, always in expectation of another approving stroke on the head. It truly is that simple, and all the rest we read and hear is just noisy propaganda.

John Chuckman
Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British Labour Party, is a man of genuine integrity and honesty in his opposition to British bombing of Syria.
Indeed, he is everything the Prime Minister of Britain, David Cameron, is not.

Islamist militants to safety by UN agreement with Syria’s Government

Conflicting Reports about new settlement in the Syrian crises between the government and Wae’r based rebels in Homs, Sponsored by the United Nations.
Homs’ governor Talal Al-Barazi will take a part as the Representative of the Syrian regime, he told AFP that meeting will be held in his office attended by a delegation of ( Armed and Non Armed opposition)  from Al-Waer district and representatives of the United Nations in order to install the previous agreements on a final settlement in the neighborhood.

Air-to-Air Missiles provide to Russian Su-34s jets in Syria

For the first time since the operation’s beginning Russian Su-34 bomber jets have conducted sorties in Syria with air-to-air missiles on Monday, the Russian Aerospace Forces spokesman said.
“Today, for the first time Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber aircraft went on a mission carrying not only aerial bombs OFAB-500 and guided aerial bombs KAB-500, but with short and medium range air-to-air missiles,” spokesman for the Russian Aerospace Forces, Col. Igor Klimov said, adding that the planes are equipped with missiles for protection.”

Politics of instigation: How Israel deliberately initiates ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

Over 2,000 Palestinian Children Killed  Since Outbreak of Second Intifada

The psychological instigation is worse. Trying to disrupt the collective identity of the Palestinians , the mutilation of the developmental milestone of the psyche with humiliation, the detainment of young Palestine children, watching your ancestral home being smashed to the ground for Jewish settlements to seep in, the censorship of right of speech, the inhibition of basic right to movement etc.



It looks bad for Corbyn as UK strains for war

Image: Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn 

As for the warmongers in the Parliamentary Labour Party I pray Corbyn persuades them to oppose this unseemly rush to war. But that’s a forlorn hope. They will always pose an ugly threat to his authority and it would be better to have the long-awaited showdown over this, where he can claim the moral high ground, than some lesser issue later.

by Stuart Littlewood