New Zealand

NZ Doctors Receive ‘Perverse’ Monetary Incentives to Vaccinate, ‘Hush Money’ Paid to Victims’ Families

By Amy Mek | RAIR Foundation | December 21, 2021 Veteran New Zealand doctor René de Monchy’s career came to an abrupt halt after refusing to be vaccinated. Wanting to remain “vaccine-free,” the physician of over 48 years was fired, banned from his hospital, and not allowed to say goodbye to his patients. The general practitioner and […]

“Significant Natural Areas”: Wellington City Council’s Plan to Expropriate and Rewild Home Gardens

Barbara McKenzie started this petition to Wellington City Council Wellington City Council has designated some 160 “Significant Natural Areas” in the District Plan. This policy will give protected status to part or all of 1693 private properties, mostly the back gardens of suburban homes. As a consequence of this high-handed action, homeowners: Lose the right […]

New Zealand Prime Minister: “There’s Not Going to be an End Point to this Vaccination Program”

By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | December 7, 2021 New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has candidly revealed that “there’s not going to be an end point to this vaccination program.” Yes, really. “So long as there’s people who are eligible who haven’t been vaccinated, we’ve got work to do,” said Ardern. “Do […]

Punishing doctors is actually punishing patients

By Chris Leitch, Leader, Social Credit | December 5, 2021 The [New Zealand] government’s refusal to let GPs, midwives, and other specialist medical staff who are unvaccinated continue to work has no medical foundation and is simply punishment because of their refusal to be vaccinated. That situation has nothing to do with patient safety. It is […]