New Zealand

The Glorious Flop of New Zealand Virus Control

BY IAN MILLER | BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE | FEBRUARY 26, 2022 An infuriatingly consistent aspect of the mainstream media’s COVID coverage was their determination to prematurely credit a country with a wildly successful set of policy interventions. While there has been no track record of universally accurate predictions or expectations, the desire to claim victory as […]

The Jacinda Papers

By Guy Hatchard |  February 15, 2022 A remarkable trove of documents has been created in New Zealand by an organisation called Te Punaha Matatini—Covid-19 Modelling Aotearoa hosted by the University of Auckland but funded directly by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Covid-19 Modelling Aotearoa is headed by the wildly inaccurate Covid modeller Dr Shaun […]

The New Zealand Government Needs to Engage With ‘Freedom Camp’ Protesters, Not Send in the Police

By Richard House | The Daily Sceptic | February 13, 2022 Inspired by the Canadian truckers, a number of New Zealand Freedom Convoys started out on February 5th from the tip of the North Island and the bottom of the South Island to converge on Wellington. Most of the South Island convoy is still camped at Picton (top of […]

Since when was heart trouble ‘non-serious’?

By Guy Hatchard | TCW Defending Freedom | February 4, 2022 New Zealand – The Medsafe report Adverse events following immunisation with COVID-19 vaccines: Safety Report #39 – 31 December 2021 lists 46,000 adverse events reported since the start of the Pfizer vaccine rollout in New Zealand. Historically this is 30 times the rate of adverse effects reported […]

Have Lockdown Sceptics Won the Argument?

By Edward Chancellor | The Daily Sceptic | January 25, 2022 Now that Covid restrictions are being rolled back, various commentators are declaring victory over the miserable virus. Lockdowns, we are told, worked. Only a fool could argue otherwise. Devi Sridhar, the Chair of Global Public Health at Edinburgh University, who was formerly an exponent of the […]

This Week in the New Normal #20

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. “anti-vaxxers are joining racist militias” We’ve covered the increasing demonisation of the “anti-vaxxers” regularly for over a year now. Ever since Joe Biden announced …