New Zealand

World’s Richest 1 Percent to Own Half of Global Wealth by 2016: Oxfam

Al-Akhbar | January 19, 2015 The world’s wealthiest 1 percent are expected to own more than 50 percent of the world’s wealth by 2016, the UK-based charity Oxfam International reported Monday. “The richest people in the world have seen their share of global wealth increase to 48 percent in 2014 from 44 per cent in […]

Art of drills: 10 NATO war games that almost started armed conflicts

RT | February 28, 2014

The world’s largest military alliance seems annoyed about Russia’s “lack of transparency” over military drills at a very “delicate time.” NATO, however, has its own long history of war games all over the globe.
Western politicians have leveled criticism at Russia for planned drills on its own territory, seemingly glossing over the many joint military exercises Western powers, namely the US and NATO forces, have conducted on foreign soil over the years.