New Zealand

NATO Coordinates Information War on Russia

Strategic Culture Foundation | 05.10.2018 The US, Britain and other NATO allies upped the ante this week with a coordinated campaign of information war to criminalize Russia. Moscow dismissed the wide-ranging claims as “spy mania”. But the implications amount to a grave assault recklessly escalating international tensions with Russia. The accusations that the Kremlin is […]

Forget Facebook, Five Eyes is bigger threat to our privacy, security

By Yves Engler | May 8, 2018 While the media has been full of news about information-gathering by Facebook and other Internet giants, other secretive organizations that are a major threat to our personal privacy and public security are seldom mentioned. And when they are, it has most often been because politicians are praising them […]

New Zealand Just Honored a Potential War Criminal and No One Batted an Eye

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Last week, New Zealand – the world’s second most peaceful country and the world’s least corrupt country, according to a ranking released last year — hosted one of the world’s most notorious potential war criminals, and nobody batted an eye. In fact, the television media’s coverage of this criminal’s trip was saturated with nightly TV news bulletins involving long-lens cameras and helicopters even […]

Historically Anti-Apartheid New Zealand Confronts Risks of BDS and Standing Up to Israel

AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND — If we were to truly honor the late, great Stephen Hawking, perhaps it would pay to remind ourselves of the principles the acclaimed physicist really stood for. One of those principles was Hawking’s commitment to the boycott of Israel in response to Israel’s longstanding policy of egregiously violating the rights of millions of ordinary Palestinians.