New Zealand

Write Winger - Population Replacement: A Dangerous Conspiracy Theory? - Hour 1

Political commentator Write Winger joins Henrik to talk about his latest article: The Great Replacement: A Murderer’s Conspiracy Theory or International Policy? We discuss how the establishment is limiting the ability to discuss demographics, mass migration and birth rates in the wake of Brenton Tarrant's attack on the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. We also discuss gun control and free speech on social media.

Your Congressmember Doesn't WANT You To Die-- He Probably Just Doesn't Care One Way Or The Other

As you can see in the video above, on Thursday-- 6 days after a completely garden variety, typical Trump supporter went on a shooting rampage and slaughtered 50 Muslims worshipping in 2 mosques-- New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced an immediate ban on all military-style semiautomatic weapons and assault rifles, along with a government buy-back program. Many have noted how different that quick and decisive decision by New Zealand's government was in comparison to the inability of the U.S.

Erdogan's Response to the Christchurch Manifesto Message

 Observations--- the media, main stream and the so called "alternative" media is portraying Erdogan talking about the Christchurch incident to the citizens of Turkey as something irrational.  As if it's being discussed for no particular reason at all. But that's not really the case.  Of course, it's easy enough to manipulate the masses when you leave out entirely why the Turks are discussing this specific incident.  What is it about this incident that has them concerned. Seems to me as the leader of Turkey, Erdogan probably should keep an open dialogue with the citizens of Turkey.  Includin

From Tarrant to Breivik to ISIS: The Emerging Crisis of Civilisationalism

This week’s attack on two mosques in New Zealand reflects a paradigm shift: the erosion of liberal values and the rise of civilisationalism at the expense of the nation-state.
So do broader phenomena like widespread Islamophobia with the crackdown on Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang as its extreme, and growing ant-Semitism These phenomena are fuelled by increasing intolerance and racism enabled by far right and world leaders as well as ultra-conservatives and jihadists.