New Zealand

If you are reading this, you might be a conspiracy theorist

If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably been called a conspiracy theorist. Also you’ve been derided and shamed for questioning the “science” of the Covid debacle. The idea of science is now a badly corrupted idea. In a nation, today, (the USA) which in educational terms ranks 25th globally in science skills and reading, and well below that in math; all one hears is a clarion call to science.

Bait-&-Switch: How they’ve changed the Covid conversation

The CDC estimates the infection fatality ratio of Sars-Cov-2 to be about 0.26%. A number perfectly in line with severe flu seasons. Virtually every country in Europe is now reporting average, or even below average, mortality. Broadly speaking, the vast majority of the world is, and will likely remain, absolutely fine. But things aren’t going back to normal, are they?

Draconian laws in Melbourne, Victoria. New Zealand gov panics. South Africa falling apart (Video)

Via Summit News (…
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has ordered parts of the country to go into lockdown after just four new cases of coronavirus, the country’s first in 102 days.
“The infected people are from the same family in south Auckland,” reports ABC News.

WATCH: New Zealand to move all “covid cases” to “Quarantine Centres”

The New Zealand government announced yesterday that ALL cases of Sars-Cov-2 infection “are to be managed in a quarantine facility”. Health Director-General Dr Ashley Bloomfield made the announcements in a press conference yesterday (August 12th). As of today, New Zealand has 36 active cases* of alleged coronavirus infection. That has not prevented the government from …

No-Go Zone: Kamala 2020, Math Is Racist & Oz Covid Lunacy

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik covers the latest in ep23 of No-Go Zone.
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World’s Super Rich Buying Pandemic Escape Mansions in New Zealand

Instead of paying $24,000 for a haircut or spending $120,000 on a banana duct taped to a wall, the world’s super wealthy have found a new commodity to purchase: pandemic bunkers in New Zealand. A number of the planet’s richest people, including billionaire co-founder of Paypal Peter Thiel, have, amidst a growing global pandemic, escaped to the country and bought luxury bunkers designed to withstand even nuclear explosions.