New Silk Road

Hussein Askary Discusses the New Silk Road’s Advance Across the Middle East

Anyone looking at a map of the Belt and Road Initiative will notice that Syria, Iraq and Iran’s stability and active participation are vital for this world changing program to function. Anyone not realizing that this program of win-win cooperation is in direct anti-thesis to the neocon paradigm of “a clash of civlizations” would be blind to the very essence of world history and modern events.

China, 1984 and the New World Order…?

I noticed something curious recently, nestled away in one of the newspapers: that the Chinese government has apparently banned the classic book 1984  by George Orwell. There’s something that kind of speaks for itself when an oppressive government bans not just any old book, but something as specific as 1984. Orwell’s Animal Farm has also […]

The Sun that Never Sets: Why was Mugabe forced to resign?

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Republished with permission from Regional Rapport

3 reasons the United States has lost the Middle East

Iraq’s Vice President Nouri al-Maliki recently stated that the Trump administration does not have a clear policy vision, let alone policy plan for the Middle East. Events on the ground bear this out, but the fact is that America’s isolation from the future progress of the Middle East actually began under Barack Obama and to an extent George W. Bush. This trajectory is now largely irreversible.

5 ways Russia and China are deepening their cooperation

Russia and China continue to forge ever closer bonds across many fields of interaction.
Here are some important recent developments that underlie what has become the world’s most important multifaceted bilateral partnership.
1. Gold 
During Chinese President Xi Jingping’s recent visit to Moscow where he brought with him scores of representatives from the business and government sector, Russia and China agreed to increase bilateral trade in local currency.