New Silk Road

Might the Current Global Crisis Revive the Wallace/FDR Grand Design for Russia-China-USA Cooperation?

This article was written as part of the Rising Tide Foundation’s contribution to a conference celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Elbe Day on April 25-25, sponsored by the American University in Moscow where it was originally featured. The title of the conference was The Meaning of the Meeting on the Elbe after 75 Years: The Possibility and Necessity of Cooperation and featured speakers from o

Why Assume There Will Be a 2020 election? General Butler and the ‘Wall Street Putsch’ Revisited

From the Strategic Culture Foundation
The upcoming American elections are just around the corner and everyone is wondering if the new president will be named Trump, Biden, Sanders or none of the above.
I can hear the incredulous reader exclaim: Wait, what does “none of the above” mean?? It’s certainly going to be one of those three isn’t it??