New Podcast Show

Help Us Counter the ‘Dumb-ification of the Masses’- Support a Real Independent Alternative

Four years ago Boiling Frogs Post began with a promise: a site where the irate minority (that’s me and you), those aware and tired of the creators of lies-fables-smoke and mirrors, could call home. It was created on a pledge: complete independence from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors or deep-pocket advertisers.

BFP Site Update: Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Headed

Coming Up: A New Look, A New Podcast Show & A Few Bold and Daring Objectives
As always I am way behind in providing my promised quarterly update report for Boiling Frogs Post. And I don’t even know where to begin since so much has been happening during the last four months. I think I am going to apply one of my ‘make things more doable and less of a scary mammoth task’ principles here by breaking the information into small chunks, and presenting them one at a time. Usually this works for me, so let’s see how I do as I go forward.