The "New Normal"

WATCH: Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Think you’ve got The Great Travel Reset under control? Think you’re too smart to be fooled by the vaccine passports? Well, you’d better prepare yourself for the next Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop that’s coming along to convince you that you need to be herded into the digital ID gulag: the generated border crisis! Find out all about …

Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

John Whitehead “But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around—they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until it’s too late.” ― Ransom Riggs, Miss …

The Great Reset Part 1: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Simon Elmer ‘The technologies at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are connected in many ways — in the way they extend digital capabilities; in the way they scale, emerge and embed themselves in our lives; in their combinatorial power; and in their potential to concentrate privilege and challenge existing governance systems.’ Klaus Schwab, …

Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 2

Iain Davis In Part 1 we contrasted the popular misconceptions about so-called “conspiracy theorists” with the well-grounded demographic research done on the individuals who, collectively, have had that pejorative label slapped on them. The demographic research reveals that there is no such thing as an identifiable group of people who can legitimately be called “conspiracy theorists.” The …

The Israel-Hamas War is ALREADY Pushing the Great Reset Agenda

Kit Knightly A few days ago we published an article discussing how the Great Reset agenda is still moving forward behind the scenes, while the headlines are full of Israel-Palestine. But it’s also true that, in its thirteen days of existence, the war itself has already pushed that agenda forward as well. Censorship Normalising the …

Authoritarian Control Freaks Want to Micromanage Our Lives

John Whitehead “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau Authoritarian control freaks out to micromanage our lives have become the new normal or, to be more accurate, the new abnormal when it comes to how the government relates to the citizenry. This overbearing despotism, which pre-dates the COVID-19 hysteria, is the very definition …

Safe, Smart, Special

Sinéad Murphy Safe, Smart, Special – the three pillars of our doublespeak. ‘Safe’ endangers your life; ‘Smart’ degrades your faculties; ‘Special’ makes you normal. * ‘Safe’ would seem to mean the avoidance of harm. What it means now is the avoidance of possibility. To be safe is to be removed from the world so that …