New Mexico

Albuquerque Man Dies While Restrained by K-Mart Employees Who Then Order Witness with Camera to Leave Store

A New Mexico man with schizophrenia died when loss prevention officers forcibly restrained him after they accused him of shoplifting inside a K-Mart in Albuquerque.
According to witnesses, Jonathan Sorensen repeatedly apologized while he was pinned face-down on the ground by two loss prevention employees.
A third soon joined in and they all sat on top of him, according to witnesses.
However, one of those witnesses who began recording the aftermath was ordered out of the store by employees.

WATCH: New Mexico Jail Guard Knocked Out Prisoner, Charged With Aggravated Assault

Surveillance video is sending a New Mexico jail guard to criminal court for knocking out a handcuffed prisoner, body slamming him on a concrete floor in a detention area when he wasn’t posing any threat to the safety of officers.
Inmate Timothy K. Black ended up losing consciousness in the November 2015 incident, according to the Las Cruces Sun-News.

Wretched ConservaDem Marty Chavez... Still Shilling For His Corporate Benefactors-- This Time Against Net Neutrality

DWT has been covering vile right-wing New Mexico Democrat Marty Chavez for a decade. When he ran for mayor of Albuquerque in 2005 he opposed raising the minimum wage and ran as an anti-taxing, anti-spending and anti-liberal faux-Dem. The DCCC has always been interested in getting him into Congress; he's their kind of guy.

Nuclear Radiation Releases Continue in New Mexico

Something Happened in February, Something is STILL Going On By William Boardman | Reader Supported News | July 2, 2014 Environmental radiation releases spiked again in mid-June around the surface site of the only U.S. underground nuclear weapons waste storage facility near Carlsbad, New Mexico. The facility, the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP), has been […]

Nuclear Radiation Releases Continue in New Mexico

Something Happened in February, Something is STILL Going On By William Boardman | Reader Supported News | July 2, 2014 Environmental radiation releases spiked again in mid-June around the surface site of the only U.S. underground nuclear weapons waste storage facility near Carlsbad, New Mexico. The facility, the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP), has been […]