New Hampshire

When Will Biden Put Aside His Ego And Withdraw For The Sake Of The Country?

One of the Manchester, New Hampshire state legislative districts has 3 seats in the state House. All the candidates, regardless of party, run on one ballot. It's a blue area and the three top vote-getters were all Democrats. In 2018, Democrats Chris Herbert and Ben Baroody came in first and second with over 5,000 votes each.

Who Will Save The Grotesquely Corrupt Democratic Party Establishment From Bernie's Zeal For Reform And Fair Play?

Votes have finally still dribbling in from the New Hampshire primary when I was finishing up on this post. 100% of the votes have now been counted and all the candidates-- except Status Quo Joe, who was in South Carolina-- were already off to Nevada. The New Hampshire numbers were catastrophic for Biden but didn't cause him to drop out the way they did for Andrew Yang, Michael Bennet and Deval Patrick.

Is Today The Day Bernie Seals The Deal With America-- Will The Real Remedy To Trumpism Win Big Enough In New Hampshire To Power Him Into Nevada?

I guess the Iowa counting is done now. Here's how the establishment cheated Bernie. In the first round, he received 43,699 votes (24.7%) to Mayo Pete's 37,596 votes (21.3%). In the second round Bernie received 45,842 votes (26.5%) to Mayo's 43,274 votes (25.1%). As you know 43,699 and 24.7% are more than 37,596 and 21.3% and 45,842 and 26.5% are more than 43,274 25.1%.

Bernie-- The Electability Candidate... As Well As The Candidate With The Best Agenda

He Can Do It (detail] by Nancy OhanianTomorrow's the first-in-the-nation primary: New Hampshire. Bernie is looking like a winner there again, something that will be hard for the Establishment to write off as "he's just a neighbor" because of how poorly Elizabeth Warren and Deval Patrick, also neighbors, seem to be faring. The polling pretty much all shows Bernie polling in first place.

Bernie Is Favored To Win In New Hampshire-- Both On Tuesday And In November

Trump keeps whining that New Hampshire is a state he can win in November and tells his campaign manager he wants to contest the state. That's because he remembers winning the first-in-the-nation primary in 2016 and because he remembers how close it was in the general election. The final score was 348,521 (47.6%) for Clinton to 345,789 (47.2%) for Trump.