
Vid-Paparazzi & Propaganda: Infamous Paparazzo Legend Charlie Pycraft Tells All -JaysAnalysis (Half)

In this JaysAnalysis exclusive, ten year veteran paparazzo Charles Pycraft and Bolly the Conspiracy Realist joins me to spill the beans on how mass media manipulation and celebrity culture creation really works. With both wild and entertaining stories, Mr. Pycraft shares his unique insights on fake and staged news, PR manufactured events, psychological operations, the UK hack and crack scandal, celebrity ‘nipple’ and ‘muff’ “accidents,” hoaxed scandals, publicity stunts, intelligence agencies, tabloids and mass media. A hilarious chat!

21Wire’s Vanessa Beeley Meets with President Assad

Vanessa Beeley
21st Century Wire
I was privileged to visit Syria as part of the US Peace Council delegation.  We spent six intense days in Syria at the end of July 2016. During this time we met with President Bashar Al Assad, the Grand Mufti Hassoun, many opposition leaders and dissidents, parliamentary speakers and members, Syrian NGOs, education ministers, university directors, health sector officials, lawyers, Chamber of Commerce and many more.