nbc news

BUSTED! CNN Caught – Admits Russian Trump Tale Fake/Project Veritas – Jay Dyer

Project Veritas was able to capture a CNN producer saying exactly what we already knew – the Russian-Trump collusion hack narrative is utter BS with no evidence, and entirely a concocted media fiction. It also was a reaction to the rejection of the climate accords – to further attack a sensible policy of pulling out, by focusing attention on a lie. Chalk this up to the millionth time CNN has been caught faking news.
Purchase my book here.

Give proof or end hacking accusations, Russia tells US

Press TV – December 16, 2016 Russia has rejected allegations by the United States government that Russia interfered in the recent presidential race in the US. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned US officials on Friday that they should either prove the claims or stop “indecently” accusing Russia. “Either stop talking about it or finally provide […]

US anti-Russia rhetoric goes nuclear with threats of covert cyber-attacks

By Robert Bridge | RT | October 16, 2016 The world seems to be sleepwalking its way into a geopolitical maelstrom as the US, increasingly paranoid over Russia, said it is considering a cyber-attack against the Kremlin in retaliation for purported Russian meddling in the US election process. NBC News, citing those conveniently omnipresent “anonymous […]

Corporate Media Backing Clinton Exploits Orlando Shooting for Passive Holocaust Denial

By Robert Barsocchini | Empire Slayer | June 16, 2016 Within hours of the mass shooting in Orlando, the corporate media backing neoconservative favorite Hillary Clinton began, almost unanimously, to exploit the opportunity to passively promote holocaust and genocide denial. Outlets including the NY Times, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, Newsweek, USA Today, and so […]

Law Enforcement Misrepresentation of Orlando Killer’s 911 Call Ignores U.S. Foreign Policy Motivation

By Matt Peppe | Just the Facts | June 14, 2016 In the aftermath of the horrific mass murder at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando over the weekend in which 50 people were killed, media including CNN, USA Today, NPR, NBC News, and CBS News, all reported that the gunman called 911 during his murderous rampage […]