
‘NATO’ is the Nazi Alliance Treaty Organization.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at Here’s how that happened: When Truman met Stalin at the Potsdam Conference (17 July 1945 to 2 August 1945) where the post-WW-II future would be decided, Churchill immediately tried to persuade Truman that the U.S. must commence and lead the world in a cold war to end communism, but Truman […]

The Criminalization of Dissent (Revisited)

CJ Hopkins Greetings from Thoughtcriminal 231Js1736/23! That’s my official Thoughtcrime Case Number, which my attorney needs to reference in all our official correspondence with the New Normal Thoughtpolice. I think I’m going to silk-screen it on a T-shirt and wear it on my first day in Moabit Criminal Court, “the largest criminal court in Europe with …

Neo-Nazi Regiments in the Ukraine Army? It’s Perfectly Ok with U.S. State Department and CIA—and Its Reliable New York Times Echo Chamber—as Long as They Hide Those Nasty Neo-Nazi Insignia

Bellingcat is a Netherlands-based investigative research group that received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cutout that promotes propaganda denigrating U.S. enemies and defending U.S.-NATO foreign policy. On June 6, one of its researchers, Michael Colborne, provided a tortured defense essentially of the adoption of Nazi insignia by Ukrainian soldiers on […]

Career Corruption Prosecutor in Moldova & in EU Quits Moldovan Gov’t., Saying It’s Too Corrupt

Eric Zuesse The Moldovan Stanislav Pavlovschi, a former judge at the European Court of Human Rights, whom the current Government of Moldova then appointed as Minister of Justice, quit that post two weeks later and joined the newly formed Dignity and Truth Platform Party. At the time of his resignation from the Justice Ministry in […]

“Pro-Russia” does NOT mean anti-globalist

Catte Black For the first six years of our eight-year existence OffG was routinely described as “pro-Russian” by detractors and supporters alike. We were cited on RT and one editor was invited to work for them (they declined). We were classified semi-politely as “Russian disinfo” by certain fact-checkers, and condemned as “Russian trolls” who “found …