
Bertrand Russell Genocidal Maniac: The Scientific Outlook (Half) – Jay Dyer

My undergraduate and graduate work focused on a large degree of philosophy of science and analytics. Russell is an example of reductionistic, naturalistic determinism and the “evolutionary” process of societies toward a single new world order government where life is regulated from womb to tomb by cybernetics and mass genetic control and experimentation, as well as the extermination of much of the population. Russell was a fraud and a propagandist, not a philosopher.

Jay w/Hoax Busters: Darwinian Materialism as Metaphysical Presupposition

I called into the Hoax Buster’s Call to discuss the crucial subject of how presuppositions and paradigms function as templates to interpret “facts.”  There are no “brute facts” that come un-interpreted, outside of some contextual framework or worldview.  In this discussion we investigate how the human mind categorizes the “data” or experience and how our governing assumptions about life and the world determine what the “facts” are, which constitute evidence and/or which are rejected and reinterpreted based on our beliefs (even when we presu