natural gas

Lawsuit Filed by Texas Family Injured in Fracking-Related Explosion Last Summer

Last August, Cody Murray and his father, Jim, went to investigate a pump house on Cody’s Perrin, North Texas, property when they saw water spraying from it. Built-up methane gas caused the water well to explode, sending flames 30 feet in both directions, catching Murray’s t-shirt to catch on fire and causing serious burns to his father, wife, and four-year-old daughter.

Israel Steals Gaza’s Offshore Natural Gas: $15 Billion Deal with Jordan

Photo: “Gaza electricity; ‘enemy of the (Jewish) state’” wrote the Middle East Online during the 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead.

Independent researchers have indicated that these military operations as well as the illegal blockade of Gaza are in fact all about oil and gas: What is now unfolding is the integration of these adjoining gas fields including those belonging to Palestine into the orbit of Israel. (see map below).


‘The farce is complete’ – US Vice President’s son joins board of Ukraine’s largest gas producer

It's becoming obvious that the global elite believe that they can act with total impunity. They understand that the western corporate media will never question, let alone report on, the obvious conflict of interest. They no longer feel the need to disguise efforts to gobble up Ukraine’s natural resources. The rabbit hole of corruption runs deeper by the day.

Is Putin Being Lured Into a Trap?

Russia is not responsible for the crisis in Ukraine. The US State Department engineered the fascist-backed coup that toppled Ukraine’s democratically-elected president Viktor Yanukovych and replaced him with the American puppet Arseniy Yatsenyuk, a former banker. Hacked phone calls reveal the critical role that Washington played in orchestrating the putsch and selecting the coup’s leaders.

by MIKE WHITNEY             Counterpunch