natural gas

Qatar crisis: It’s the oil stupid!

Saudi Arabia which has faced something close to an economic recession after years of plummeting oil prices, appears to be willing to do anything to retain its only major source of revenue.
Oil prices immediately increased as Saudi Arabia led the charge of Arab nations severing all diplomatic ties with Qatar.
The price of Brent Crude has jumped 32 cents and has achieved the crucial +$50 a barrel mark.

Australian Commitment To Unlimited Natural Gas Exploitation Threatens Planet & Invites Global Blowback

  Australia is a major exporter of coal, gas and iron ore, and is set to become the world’s largest exporter of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG).  However, depending upon the degree of systemic gas leakage,  burning gas for power may be worse greenhouse gas (GHG)-wise than burning coal.  However a remorselessly neoliberal, anti-science and anti-environment  Australia is committed to massive[Read More...]

EU Snubs Russia In Favor Of New Israeli Pipeline

The Eshkol power station, the first in Israel to produce electricity from natural gas, in the coastal city of Ashdod, southern Israel.
At 1,248 miles long and almost 6 miles deep, this will be the longest and deepest undersea pipeline ever built. Israel hopes that becoming a major energy exporter will improve relations with current foes. How will this change the geopolitical landscape?

Fracking Contaminates Groundwater, a New Study Proves

Let’s think for a moment. If terrorists dumped biological agents in a river that provides drinking water for thousands of people, it would spark panic, probably result in new laws, and the world would be horrified. If a disgruntled woman somehow managed to dump poison in her ex-husbands well water, it would be a criminal act. Outrage would explode over social media.