National security

Thank goodness the NSA had the sense to put funnyman Art Buchwald on the watch list it compiled for President Johnson

The great Art Buchwald"During his later life, [Art] Buchwald, an old-school liberal who died in 2007, at the age of eighty-one, spent a lot of time kvetching about the fact that, unlike Mary McGrory and Daniel Schorr, he didn't make it onto Richard Nixon's famous White House enemies list.

Chief Justice Roberts does everything he can to see that the FISA court remains a trusty tool of the national-security state

So you think you have a right to know something, anything, about the workings of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court? Maybe we need to, um, discuss this at greater length in, you know, secret."[The members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] all seem to have some type of a pretty conservative bent, I don't think that is what the Congress envisioned when giving the chief justice that authority.