National security

Seymour Hersh Bombshell: US Military Shared Intelligence With Assad In Defiance Of Obama, CIA

In a shocking new report, Seymour Hersh reveals what he says was a covert operation run by the Joint Chiefs of Staff who sought to undermine the Obama administration and the CIA’s goal of overthrowing the Assad regime in Syria. “If the American public saw the intelligence we were producing daily, at the most sensitive level, they would go ballistic.”


Court Chooses to Ignore Overwhelming Evidence of NSA’s Mass Internet Spying

By Ashley Gorski | ACLU | October 24, 2015 A federal district court yesterday dismissed Wikimedia v. NSA, a lawsuit brought by the ACLU on behalf of a broad group of educational, legal, human rights, and media organizations whose communications are swept up by the NSA’s unprecedented Internet dragnet. Our lawsuit concerns the NSA’s “upstream” surveillance, […]

Bernie Sanders: Climate Change Is the Biggest Threat to National Security

Listen to Sanders' answer in the context of all the others. Then listen to the response in the Gaius PubliusI just can't let this go by. Howie has already chronicled how Sanders has actually won the debate, though the "mainstream" (money-owned) media, which loves the "mainstream" (money-owned) part of the Democratic Party, won't begin to say so.

Say you're a guest at a N. Korean gov't do. When the check comes, how much do you tip?

Dinner with General Kim: When he invites you, makesure you've got your wallet on you -- possibly with cash."[Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper said he dined with [Gen.] Kim [Yong Chol, head of North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau] during a secret mission to Pyongyang in November to retrieve two Americans being held by the North Koreans.

Ringing sleighbells and roasting chestnuts tell us it's that time of year: Be afraid for the holidays

by KenIt's Friday, and I realize many of you were probably in such a hurry to get wherever you were going for the weekend -- and possibly beyond, with those two skeletal work weeks coming up surrounding the holidays -- that you missed this news. So as a public service, DWT wants to be sure you've heard the latest from your State Dept., courtesy of the Washington Post "In the Loop" team:

In the firing of SecDef Chuck Hagel, the person who comes out looking best (or least worse) is Chuck Hagel

In announcing Secretary Hagel's departure Monday, President Obama said only good things about him, but people who work for the president had already made sure that the secretary looks like a bumbling, stumbling KenSomebody, or I guess I should say somebodies, in the White House, the Pentagon, and the media went to a lot of trouble to portray now-lame-duck Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel as a bumbling nitwit, so out of his depth, if not stumblingly incompetent, that even Pr

John McCain-- Always And Forever The Manchurian Candidate?

The CIA was trying-- and trying hard-- to further its own goals in the 2014 elections. Replacing Senate Intelligence Committee civil liberties hawk Mark Udall (D-CO) with a hapless national security state sieve may have been their top goal but electing freshmen members to climb into committee positions to control CIA over site was another goal. It met with mixed results.