
Scores of Civilians Left Dead in Wake of Saudi Air Campaign on Yemen-Saudi Border

YEMENI-SAUDI BORDER — As the widely unpopular Saudi-led, U.S.-backed war on Yemen continues to push the country deeper into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, Saudi Arabia has launched a vicious campaign to secure Jizan, its vulnerable southern border region with Yemen, which has been its Achilles heel in its brutal assault on its southern neighbor. Yemen’s Houthi fighters, the primary force resisting the Saud-led occupation of Yemen, frequently target the Saudi military in Jizan, sending a stark reminder to the Kingdom that its war on Yemen will inevitably be felt at home.

Yemeni Leaders Losing Confidence in UN as Negotiations Falter and Saudi Airstrikes Continue

SANA’A, YEMEN — Yemeni forces reportedly targeted Apache helicopters as well as a Saudi airbase in Bir Askar in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern region of Najran on Wednesday evening. The attack was carried out with a salvo of high-precision ballistic missiles dubbed the Badr P-1. The short-range ballistic missile uses a solid-propellant, an upgrade from its previous iteration, the Badr-1.