
The Will to Believe … and to Make-Believe

If you were born in the 1950’s or even a bit later, you more or less grew up with her. She wasn’t an outlier; Jeane Dixon was a syndicated newspaper personality. She graced the covers of popular magazines and floated on the airwaves of radio and TV. Her presence wasn’t confined to the masses; she was consulted […]
The post The Will to Believe … and to Make-Believe first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Jacques Ellul: Controversies in the Rise of Propaganda

Orientation Controversies within propaganda theory When I was preparing for a course I had created, “Brainwashing, Propaganda and Rhetoric: Dark Psychology in the 20th Century” I came across the name Jacques Ellul over and over again. Many of the quotes from his book Propaganda amazed me, considering the book was written almost 60 years ago. […]

The Power of Magick: Why Materialists, Atheists and Marxists Need it

Dancing Around the Maypole (Times Square Media) Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will. — Aleister Crowley, The Book of Thoth Orientation Throwing the baby out with the bathwater In two articles I wrote in 2019, Facing the Music: Religion, Nationalism and Sports Have Enchanted the […]

Ash Donaldson - Fairy Tales For European Children - Hour 1

Ash Donaldson joins Henrik to talk about his book "Blut and Boden, a Fairy Tale For Children of European Decent."
Ash Donaldson is a veteran of the war against ISIS - the Muslim group, that is, not the goddess. A refugee from academia, he lives in exile in the upper Midwest. His work can be read in the pages of Europa Sun and at Counter-Currents.
A video version of this show is available here.

Let It Burn

I admit to feeling a slight sense of sadness watching the images of flames soaring from the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral, but once it was reported that no one had been seriously hurt, my slight sense of sadness quickly gave way to a feeling of pleasure. My slight sadness was because part of me appreciates the considerable amount of quality craftsmanship that went into constructing the thing, and it saddens me to see some of that beautiful work destroyed. But when weighed against the symbolism of a major institution of oppression engulfed in fire, it’s hard not to feel happy.