
What is Biden’s “Build Back Better World” (B3W)?

By Brian Berletic – New Eastern Outlook – 22.06.2021 Announced at the archaic “Group of 7” summit (G7) in mid-June – the “Build Back Better World” (B3W) initiative is billed by Western governments and the Western corporate media as a plan that “could rival” China’s One Belt, One Road initiative (OBOR). Yet even its announcement […]

A broad, historic revolt in Myanmar against a ruthless military

For the first time in its history, legions of civilians in Myanmar, also known as Burma, are forging courageous resistance against a bloody military dictatorship — together. This in a country of enormous ethnic diversity, many languages and religions, and entrenched sexism. Such defiance reflects a desperate yearning for genuine democracy. In the November 2020 elections, when the military’s party[Read More...]

India will be front-line state in Myanmar civil war

The turmoil in Myanmar had all the hallmarks of a “colour revolution”… The chorus – BBC, Radio Free Asia, western NGOs promoting democracy and human rights… But the operative part hidden from view concentrated on the creation of a “government-in-exile” (a National Unity Government.) The parallels with Syria are striking — “Arab Spring” protests… India is a plausible sanctuary for[Read More...]

How US government fronts shape media coverage of Myanmar upheaval, propagandize for Western intervention

Western media coverage of Myanmar has relied heavily on organizations funded and developed by a notorious US intelligence cutout and UK Foreign Office partner. Can they be trusted? On April 11, news site Myanmar Now exposed what appeared to be the most gruesome massacre to date in the conflict-ridden country. According to the online outlet, at least 82 people had been slaughtered by security forces in the town of Bago. Details of the mass killing were graphic in the extreme. […]

Does US meddling in Myanmar risk Syria/Libya-style war?

source Does US meddling in Myanmar risk Syria/Libya-style war? Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss US meddling in the protests in Myanmar with geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic, and how Washington seeks to weaken a neighbor of China and key ally in Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative. We address the coup by the Tatmadaw military, the […]