
Major Hollywood Producer Vows to Make the NRA ‘Wish They Weren’t Alive’ With Upcoming ‘Big Movie’

The NRA protects gun rights about as well as a junkie protects your stash.
~ Jack Blood
The Blaze
Big-time movie producer Harvey Weinstein revealed Wednesday that he is making an anti-gun movie with actress Meryl Streep that is going to make the National Rifle Association “wish they weren’t alive.”

Pere Ubu Frontman David Thomas Bewilders A Fan by Obdurately Believing Markets are Proper for Art

Via Reason
I get a weird pleasure of watching supporters of the obscure arts, whose fans lean overwhelmingly liberal-prog-commie, get increasingly bewildered as their heroes obdurately refuse to ratify their politics for them, forcing them to confront the unbelievable: decent worthwhile humans I admire might disagree with me about core elements of my politics!