Murder of Teacher in Paris

Islam, freedom of religion and recent Jihadi attacks

It is generally believed that Islam is a backward religion, reinforcing the beliefs of medieval period, if not of the ancient period, it is conservative and even fundamentalist in its outlook, and it motivates its followers to be intolerant and violent. Islam, it is further believed, is incompatible with modern values and political systems, including, secularism, freedom of religion, human[Read More...]

Muslim intellectuals, activists condemn Paris beheading, demand abolition of apostasy and blasphemy laws

Muslim intellectuals and activists speaking at a webinar on Sunday the 25th of October, condemned the Paris beheading of a school teacher, Samuel Paty, by an 18-year-old Muslim fanatic, Abdullakh Anzorov. The webinar was organised by the Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy (IMSD). Moderated by its convener, Javed Anand, all four panellists are office bearers and prominent members of IMSD.[Read More...]

Spectre of Jihadi violence in France

The gruesome murder of a French school teacher in a Paris suburb on Friday is yet another pointer to the spirit of Jihadi Islam being conjured up by the young generation to set in a troubling spectre of violence and terror in the name of ‘faith and commitment.’ Sadly—but not surprisingly—Muslim Ulama across the world still remain silent on such[Read More...]