muammar gaddafi

Libya’s ‘Chaos Theory’ Undercuts Hillary

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton’s Libyan “regime change” project remains in chaos with one U.S. official likening rival factions to rogue water “droplets” resisting a U.S.-carved rewards-and-punishment “channel” to reconciliation, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry The Obama administration is hoping that it can…Read more →

The Story of SIRTE: From Proud Libya to ISIS/Terrorist ‘Caliphate’…

On October 19th 2011, a convoy of cars left the city of Sirte, carrying Libya’s beleaguered figurehead Muammar Gaddafi. On October 21st, an American/CIA drone (being operated from Las Vegas) spots the convoy and alerts NATO bombers, which immediately begin bombing the vehicles. It was French planes that started the attack, but soon NATO war-planes […]

As ‘ISIS’ Humiliates People of LIBYA, Second Western ‘Intervention’ Imminent…

The recent bombing of select ISIL positions in the former nation once known as Libya may be a precursor to a much larger operation. France’s  Le Figaro  reported in December that France is considering a second intervention in Libya, with a six-month military operation possibly to be launched against ‘Daesh’ in Libya before the spring. […]

Are We 7 Days From ‘World War III’? If So, How and Why Have We Come To This…?

Russian officials have warned that a new ‘world war’ is in danger of being set off in Syria, partly in response to the actions and maneuvers of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in recent weeks. But if World War III is an imminent possibility, why? And why would it not be stopped? As previously highlighted, a […]