muammar gaddafi

The west accepted Salafist “refugees” for decades, now it’s paying the price

Brits have been struggling to figure out how their government dropped the ball and failed to prevent the Manchester suicide bombing when the attacker was already on their radar, but what many people are overlooking is the “politically incorrect” fact that it should have been obvious from the first day that the bomber’s family set foot in the UK that they’d end up being trouble. Lost amidst the flurry of media reports about this tragic incident is that the attacker’s family arrived on British soil as Libyan “refugees” decades before the 2011 NATO war devastated their country.

How the British deep state turned Manchester into al-Qaeda Town UK

More and more information is emerging on how the savage terrorist atrocity recently committed in Manchester was a classic case of terrorist blow-back, a phenomenon describing how when western governments fund, arm and aid terrorists, they often come back to commit horrific crimes against the citizens of the countries which funded and aided them.

The Terrible TRUTH About the Manchester Attack, the British Government & ‘Salman Abedi’…

There is something very, very important to understand about the terrorist attack in Manchester on Monday night. And it is something that virtually all mainstream media outlets have failed to – or will continue to deliberately avoid – talking about. Because they don’t want their average audiences – and the general public – to have […]

Total civil war in Libya

Ever since the NATO war on Libya in 2011, the country has been largely ungoverned and in many ways has become ungovernable.
In recent years, two main factions have been vying for legitimacy against a tide of multiple illegitimate parties include ISIS, al-Qaeda and various smaller terrorist and pirate groups.
The two main governments include the The Libyan House of Representatives based in Tobruk and the Government of National Accord in Tripoli.

Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for the Manchester atrocity

Hillary Clinton pushed Barack Obama into invading, occupying and ultimately destroying Libya in 2011. Even George Bush and Tony Blair publicly stated that Libya was a valuable partner in fighting and restraining al-Qaeda and ISIS style Salafist terrorists. Obama later admitted that not preparing for the consequences of a war which he was reluctant to fight, was the gravest mistake of his Presidency.

Russian Orthodox clergyman speaks out against ‘regime change’

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev was recently in Washington D.C. where he spoke at the World Summit in Defence of Persecuted Christians.
Throughout the Middle East, secular leaders who protected the rights of all peoples, including Christians, have been replaced by a combination of weak governments who cannot protect anyone, radical Wahhabist style forces and in some cases, outright chaos. In each case, the anti-Christian regimes have come about after the western sponsored violent overthrow of previous governments who protected Christians.

Viktor Yanukovich is a traitor, but not for the reasons the fascists think

Prosecutors working for the Kiev regime are asking for a sentence of life imprisonment for the illegally ousted, former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich.
Yanukovich was ousted in an illegal coup on the 22nd of February, one day after he signed a deal with the would-be coup leaders which gave them much of what they demanded.
However, this was not enough to satisfy them and Yanukovich fled the country, eventually going to Russia.

Sex Slavery, ISIS & Illegal Arms Trade: Libya Plunged Into Failed State After US invasion

A rebel sniper from Misrata fires towards ISIS militant positions in Sirte, Libya, Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016.
Today’s Libya is virtually unrecognizable from the Libya of years past. Following the violent ouster of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, things have taken a turn for the worse as the north African nation declines further into failure.