muammar gaddafi

LIBYA: Celebrations erupt at news of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi’s prison release

Video footage has captured hundreds of Libyans celebrating the official release from prison of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the eldest son of Libyan revolutionary leader Muammar Gaddafi.
The celebrations from the town of Ghat, near the Algerian border and also not far from Niger has sparked questions as to the whereabouts of Saif al-Islam whose official location is not known at this time.

The Manchester Bombing Wouldn’t Have Happened If We Hadn’t Killed Gaddafi

(SHADOWPROOFDespite initial claims by the British government, it is now clear that Salman Abedi, the man responsible for the bombing of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, was not a “lone wolf” but a member of terrorist network living in the United Kingdom under the protection of the government.

5 non-conspiratorial facts that prove a western liberal/jihadist alliance

The internet is full of theories about just who controls ISIS and like-minded groups and why. Many are based only on circumstantial evidence though others do have some merit. Many more are outlandish however well meaning and some are just nonsense.
But one needn’t turn to conspiracy theories in order to prove a deeply frightening link between neo-liberal western elites and ISIS. The facts are widely available and many are well known, though hardly ever discussed in western mainstream media.
Here are the key facts

Rodrigo Duterte vows to cutoff ISIS drug money

What would it take for you to strap a bomb to your body and blow yourself and anyone and anything around you into a million little pieces? One cannot be compensated for such an activity, so in this sense, all the gold of Croesus would not be at all meaningful.
Furthermore, all great religious texts forbid such an act. True, one could simply lie about what these texts say to a young, stupid and desperate individual, but this would still only account for an infinitesimally small number of suicide bombers.

Egypt bombs the Libyan failed state

Egypt has bombed terrorist training camps in eastern Libya in retribution for the terrorist massacre on Christian pilgrims travelling to the Anba Samuel near the city of Minya.
Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said that the terrorists who committed the atrocity were trained in Libya.
President Sisi vowed, “Egypt will not hesitate in striking any camps that harbour or train terrorist elements whether inside Egypt or outside Egypt”.