New Discovery Could Help Humans Win the War on Superbugs

Scientists are working on finding solutions to the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant superbugs. The latest weapon in their arsenal is Tasmanian devil milk.
The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial, which means it’s a mammal that is born very early in its development and spends a few months growing and suckling inside their mothers’ pouches, just like kangaroos and opossums. [1]

Mother Speaks out on Antibiotic Resistance After Child Taken by MRSA Superbug

Antibiotic drug resistance has become a huge issue, so much so that world leaders passed a declaration aimed at slowing the spread of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, calling it “historical” and “a turning point.”And while most of us have heard about these so-called superbugs, not everyone is aware of how quickly it can take away a life. That’s why Everly Macario is telling her story about her son’s life being taken by an antibiotic resistant strain of MRSA.

Ancient Medicine: Black Seed Oil’s 21 Powerful Health Benefits

Also known as cumin or caraway seed, black seed (Nigella sativa) has been used for over 2000 years and is viewed as a healing wonder, with research suggesting that it could be helpful in fighting illnesses of all kinds. Over 600 peer-reviewed studies prove that this amazing little seed has more than 20 ‘pharmacological actions‘ on the body when taken in food or as a supplement. Yes, black seed oil benefits are plentiful, and you will learn about them here.

Why The Superbug-Killing Medieval Home Remedy Works

As billions are spent on highly powerful antibiotics that are ‘bigger and better’ than their predecessors, a medieval home remedy has been making headlines. As researchers from the US and Britain just found out, there’s something about this concoction that kills superbugs completely – without the use of pharmaceutical antibiotics, injections, or blood transfusions.

Studies Reveal Honey ‘The Answer’ to Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic drug use has spawned a host of devastating side effects, including the rise of unstoppable ‘superbugs’ and even an increased incidence of cancer. The answer of the medical establishment has been to create harsher antibiotics, which in turn have led to the creation of even more superbugs. Clearly it’s time for a different way to deal with troublesome microbes, and research is showing that honey fits the bill.