movement conservatism

What Drove The Republican Party Base Insane? (Spoiler: It Was More Than Just Fox And Hate Talk Radio)

This morning's first post-- based primarily on the work of Boston College history professor Heather Cox Richardson conflating today's off-the-rails Republican extremists with the post Civil War secessionist Democratic extremists of 1879-- is one of the most chilling ever at this blog. If you missed it, I heartily recommend you go back and read it right now.

"Why Trump, Corbyn and Sanders Are Doing Well" (Ian Welsh)

"People are sick of the status quo and they will take a chance with anyone who is willing to actually bloody well try something different than the usual. And because most people don’t parse just on policy positions (nor should they, since politicians lie), what they are looking for are candidates who don’t act like the normal candidates and who therefore might actually do something different."-- Ian Welsh, in a post yesterday, "

If the rabid right-wing beast Dan Backer really wants a "thank you," it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility

The rabid right-wing beast behind "Stop Hillary PAC" and assorted other right-wing degradations wants his copycat nemesis to acknowledge his "legal brilliance."by KenIt appears that the doody-sucking beast Dan Backer wants a thank you, specifically from Hillary Clinton.