
Women in El Salvador Told to Delay Pregnancy Until 2018 Due to Zika Virus

The Zika virus is spreading so quickly in Latin America and the Caribbean that health officials in El Salvador are advising women not to become pregnant until at least 2018 to give them a chance to get on top of the crisis.
Other Latin American countries, including Colombia and Ecuador, as well as Jamaica and in the Caribbean, have recommended delaying pregnancy, though for not as long.

Zika Virus Case Confirmed in Baby in Hawaii

The Zika virus is on the move, and it has arrived in the United States, with the first case of the illness being confirmed in a baby in Hawaii.
Little was known about the Zika virus in the U.S. until now because it generally causes mild symptoms including a fever, sometimes a rash, conjunctivitis and headache. In rare cases, it can cause the neurological disorder Guillain-Barre, which results in paralysis.

Health Experts Worry Drug-Resistant Malaria Could Spread Globally

In the fight against malaria, there is good news and awful news. First, the good news: malaria infection rates are on the decline. Now, the awful news: many of the new malaria cases that do occur are resistant to drugs.
In December, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that global malaria deaths fell from 839,000 in 2000 to 438,000 in 2015. But the disease still strikes 200 million people a year, often killing children.

GM Mosquitoes Could End Malaria…or Spread It

Scientists at the University of California say they’ve created a new strain of mosquito that could help wipe out malaria. It’s an interesting development, as mosquitoes are known for spreading the disease. But is it safe?
In recent years, scientists have edited bacteria within mosquitoes in an effort to kill the malaria they carried. The newest malaria-fighting insects have been genetically modified, however.

More than Your Bath: 12 Awesome Uses for Epsom Salt

We know that a bag of Epsom salts added to a warm bath can do wonders for an aching body with sore muscles, but don’t think so a second that uses for Epsom salt stop there. Epsom salts also have numerous other uses both around the house and for your body.
Here are 12 uses for Epsom salt – the simple, natural ingredient for better health and a cleaner home.