Morgan Harper

Andy Levin And AOC Are Working To Tear Down A Barrier For Consumers Interested In Buying An Electric Vehicle

When Trump first got to the White House, he saw infrastructure spending as a perfect way to transfer taxpayer dollars into his own pocket and the pockets of his campaign donors-- until Pelosi and Schumer told him that isn't the way it works. So he colored on his campaign promises of rebuilding American infrastructure.

Are You Waiting To Go To The Dentist Until Bernie Starts Implementing Medicare-For-All?

If you’ve been reading DWT with even the slightest regularity, you probably know what a big fan of Medicare I am. I feared it when I was in my late 50s because I had what I thought was perfect private insurance, a platinum plan that AOL-TimeWarner gave to divisional chairmen and presidents. But once I retired and turned 65, I had to move to Medicare-- and just as I was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer.

When Ro Khanna Speaks, It Matters-- We Need More Members Of Congress Like Him, Not Pointless Backbenchers

Ro Khanna's grandfather was arrested during the Indian independence movement and wound up sharing a British prison cell with Mahatma Gandhi. No doubt, that's from whom Khanna got the moxie to stand up yesterday in front of Congress and make this absolutely incredible speech opposing the NDAA-- which would be better named "the endless War and Corruption bill." I implore you to listen to what Khanna had to say. It's less than 2 minutes but it has enough in it to be worth an hour to every single American.

Is Willingness To Fight For The Green New Deal All About Age?

Rachel Ventura with polar bear-by Rep. Mary Jo KilroyLast Friday, the day of the climate strike, one of my Facebook friends posted that he was tired of boomer politicians, and wished they would go away. As a boomer myself, I pointed out to him that not all boomers are the same, and that there is a world of difference between baby boomers like George W.