
Puerto Rico Imports 85% of Its Food and Owes $123 Billion in Debt, Yet It Gives Monsanto/ Bayer a 90% Tax Exemption

Puerto Rico's fertile land is a crop and pesticide poison test site for Monsanto, and many locals near the company's seed sites complain of illness. The governor of Puerto Rico said that the transnational companies account for 42% to 46% of the economy, although Monsanto/ Bayer receives a 90% tax exemption.

From the Green Revolution to GMOs

Why did the European Food Safety Authority claim that glyphosate was not ecotoxic? This is the question environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason poses in her new 23-page report which can be accessed in full here. In places, the report reads like a compilation of peer-reviewed studies and official reports that have documented the adverse impacts of chemicals used in modern agriculture.