
How Monsanto’s Glyphosate is Generating Deadly Antibiotic Resistance

More and more individuals are becoming aware of Monsanto’s evils, especially concerning it’s best-selling herbicide Round Up and its carcinogenic ingredient glyphosate. But we’re just learning about the registration of said chemicals in the form of GM crops as antibiotics. And we’re just learning how these chemicals are fueling the ever-expanding issue of antibiotic resistance.

The Trans-Pacific Sellout

Guaranteed profits—at any price By Jason Hirthler | Dissident Voice | April 26, 2015 Last Tuesday, President Barack Obama told beltway bullhorn Chris Matthews that Senator Elizabeth Warren was “wrong” about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the largest trade deal in American history, linking United States and Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, […]

After Cancer Link Confirmed, EPA Still Doubles Herbicide Use

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently approved a doubling in the use of Dow Chemical’s controversial new herbicide Enlist Duo.
A mix of glyphosate and 2,4 D, Enlist Duo received the green light for use in nine more key farming states. After major backlash and lawsuits, the new herbicide was limited to only six states during its initial approval in 2014.

Neil Young Announces Anti-Monsanto Album ‘The Monsanto Years’

Legendary music icon Neil Young will be taking a stand against Monsanto in his latest album release, The Monsanto Years. In a move that highlights just how far awareness on the issue of Monsanto’s toxic creations has come, Young will be working with the Willie Nelson sons in highlighting Monsanto’s activities within the new album.

Monsanto knew of glyphosate / cancer link 35 years ago

GM-Free Cymru | April 8, 2015 According to evidence unearthed from the archives of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in the United States, it has been established that Monsanto was fully aware of the potential of glyphosate to cause cancer in mammals as long ago as 1981. Recently the WHO’s International Agency for Research on […]