
Could This New ‘Organic Ready’ Corn Help End Monsanto?

In the world of Round Up Ready corn and other genetically modified crops, we’re in dire need of another ‘solution.’ Frank Kutka has been working on ‘Organic Ready’ corn for over 15 years as an all-around answer to biotech’s cancer causing crops.
Kutka is a plant breeder who has been attempting to grow corn that naturally resists GM crop contamination through cross-pollination, thus eliminating Monsanto’s prevalently grown GMO corn from infesting organic farmer’s crops.

WHO Full Report: Monsanto Herbicide in GMO Crops is Carcinogenic

While the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is not a regulatory agency, their release of a full report on glyphosate’s ability to cause cancer is making waves throughout the world. Glyphosate is the key component in Monsanto’s Roundup.
There are more than 750 products for sale in the USA alone which contain glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide that has been selling since the 1970s.

64 Nations Say No to GMO, Yet US Govt Nears Illegal GMO Labeling

The WHO has already declared that five of the major chemical herbicides used to grow GMO crops are either likely or definitely cancerous, yet the USA still makes secret trade deals that would allow biotech to push their genetically modified ‘food’ on Americans who don’t want to eat it.
Our right to know if we are even eating GMO crops is being taken away via legislation known as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act (DARK) act. (This is officially known as the ‘Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.)

House Votes to BAN GMO Labeling TODAY Under ‘DARK Act’

Update: The DARK Act, making mandatory GMO labeling ‘illegal,’ has passed the House. It must now be voted on by the Senate, which is the last hope for defeating the bill.
Statewide GMO labeling has been ruled ‘illegal’ as the House of Representatives decides to pass the notorious ‘DARK Act,’ which puts a halt to all mandatory GMO labeling initiatives around the United States.

Which of Your Foods are Sprayed with Round Up Just 3 Days Before Harvest?

If your food isn’t certified organic, you’re consuming some toxic food. Want to know why? Monsanto’s Round Up ‘pre-harvest’ spraying guide meant for conventional farmers recommends that they spray crops just three days prior to harvest – and they don’t just mean on GMO crops. This means you’re likely consuming food which had been drenched in toxic pesticides.