
Send a Message to Obama: Ban ‘Likely-Carcinogenic’ Glyphosate-Herbicides!

During President Obama’s most recent State of The Union Address, he vowed to utilize the full spectrum of the U.S. government’s resources to create a “Moonshot-like” effort geared toward finding a cure for cancer. Why then, is Round Up, a ‘likely carcinogen,’ still being sold on markets across the United States and sprayed on our food?

VIDEO: How Monsanto’s Glyphosate Attacks our Core Cellular Functions

Monsanto’s Round Up herbicide, containing the likely-carcinogenic glyphosate, is causing widespread mitochondrial dysfunction in cells. This is associated with a long list of degenerative disease and chronic health conditions including autism, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson’s, and obesity.


5/5 (4) ...Oh... and remember that Blackwater connection to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta that was uncovered by Jeremy Scahill in his bestselling book about the private mercenary security company? and remember the Vatican's vaguely…
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Monsanto Works Hard to Evict Argentinian Protesters

Monsanto is trying to evict a bevy of protesters who have gathered in an agricultural province of Cordoba, Argentina. The protesters aim to stop a massive GMO seed plant which would spew vast clouds of toxic fumes and leave regular spills of the neonics, fungicides, and numerous other poisons that would be applied as seed coatings.
A Monsanto-friendly judge armed the monopolizing company with permission to evict the group, so now goons from Monsanto are trying to drive off the camp which is blockading further progress of the plant.