
Retour sur l’émission de « Cash Investigation » à propos de l’industrie des pesticides

France Télévision diffusait ce mardi la première émission de la saison 4 de Cash Investigation.
L’émission d’investigation phare de France Télévision a enquêté sur l’industrie chimique mondiale avec un titre anxiogène : « Produits chimiques : nos enfants en danger »
(disponible en replay ici)

Crawling Around Crop Fields, Chinese Spy Caught Stealing Millions of $$ Worth of GM Seeds

China is vowing to crackdown on the illegal planting of GMO crops after it was revealed that a spy stole millions of dollars’ worth of proprietary corn seeds produced by DuPont Pioneer and Monsanto.
The Chinese-born U.S. citizen, Mo Hailong, has confessed to leading a group that swiped the seeds. Mo had been the director of Dabeinong Technology (DBN) Group, a Beijing-based agricultural tech firm, and is also the brother-in-law of the company’s founder.

Letter Urges EU Health Commissioner to STOP Re-Approval of Glyphosate Herbicide

Citing concerns that glyphosate has been proven to be an endocrine disruptor, along with other health and environmental issues, 67 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have written a letter to the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, asking that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Round Up weed killer, NOT be re-approved.

Breaking: Seattle Joins Major US Cities to Sue Monsanto for Toxic PCB Contamination

The city of Seattle now adds its name to 5 other major US cities that are suing Monsanto over PCBs. Perhaps a tide of similar legal action will finally break Monsanto for good. [1]
Activists may have a tough time shutting down Monsanto for poisoning the planet with GM foods and engaging in the corrupt chemical whirl-go-round that seems to be ruining every conceivable aspect of the natural world, but Monsanto’s karma is catching up, and quick.

Monsanto’s Greed Continues to Threaten 59 Indigenous Corn Varieties in Mexico

As recently as October of 2015, Monsanto stated that it planned to double its sales in Mexico. The biotech giant already made around $400 million in the country in 2015. This greed to conquer the Mexican maize market has caused the company to fight resistance and GMO corn bans initiated by citizens and government, though the company continues to put 59 unique, indigenous varieties of corn at risk. [1]